Rocket caption

Resource Type: Image | Posted on 18th November 2011 by Liam Physick

This is the caption to the painting uploaded on this website under the heading “Excitement at seeing the Rocket.” The caption mentions the Skew Bridge and the Rainhill Trials against “three other steam locomotives” (the Novelty, the Sans Pareil and the Perseverance) and “a horse-powered machine” (the Cycloped). It also gives a flavour of the atmosphere at the Trials: “the occasion was treated like a race meeting”. There was a grandstand, bets were taken and 300 navvies were deployed as special constables to keep spectators of the tracks

Rocket caption

Tagged under: steam locomotives, rocket, rainhill trials, sans pareil, novelty, rainhill skew bridge, perseverance, cycloped

Categorised under: Landmarks, Landscapes & Locomotives

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