Pamela Taylor shares her memories of living in Edge Hill

Resource Type: Audio | Posted on 12th September 2011 by Liam Physick

Pamela Taylor remembers her early life in Edge Hill: her family moved when she was only four years old, but her family often talked about incidents that occured while there. She also remembers watching the trains passing through the station, and begins to tell the story of a prositute who used to sit on her doorstep, “advertising her wares”. Unfortunately, at this point the batteries run out - this is the only part of the interview which survives

Interviewee: Pamela Taylor

Interviewee Gender: Female

Date of Interview: 17th August 2011

Interview Transcript

Pamela: I used to live in the area.

Margi: You used to live in Edge Hill?

Pamela: Yeah, yeah.

Margi: Whereabout was it?

Pamela: I lived in Boynton Street, which was off Earle Road.

Margi: Oh, I know it, yeah!

Pamela: Yeah, yeah.

Margi: It’s only down the road, isn’t it?

Pamela: Yeah. I only lived there for three years, we moved when I was four years old . . .

Margi: But it still holds memories?

Pamela: Yeah, yeah, I remember living there, yeah. Quite an experience! (laughs)

Margi: An experience, to say the least!

Pamela: Yeah, yeah (Margi laughs), the community that, you know, that lived in the street were quite memorable characters!

Margi: Well, yeah . . .

Pamela: Yeah.

Margi: . . . yeah, and considering that you were only four you moved, you must have been an all, big impression.

Pamela: Yeah, yeah, but over the years, you know, we’ve chatted amongst the family, we’ve laughed about, you know, some, sort of, like, stories, incidents and that, with, with certain neighbours . . .

Margi: Yeah.

Pamela: . . . and, yeah, just incidents in, you know, in the community.

Margi: Did anybody work, in, in your family work for the railway or . . . ?

Pamela: No, no, didn’t work at the railway . . .

Margi: You didn’t have that connection?

Pamela: . . . I just, no, no, just that we lived nearby and I used to peek through the fence at all the trains, well, every time . . .

Margi: Yeah.

Pamela: . . . I walked past, past Tunnel Road!

Margi: Yeah.

Pamela: Yeah.

Margi: And that it’s still . . . do you think it’s changed an awful lot or . . . ?

Pamela: Yeah, yeah, I mean . . . of course I was very small, so, you know, you only remember certain things but it was just there, and the fact that the trains were rumbling by was quite exciting as a, a very small child, just used to peek through the fence at the trains going past and, I remember, and I remember the brick wall with the broken glass all along the top of it (laughs), sort of, left an impression on me!

Margi: So you couldn’t climb over?

Pamela: Yeah, yeah . . .

Margi: Yeah, so you couldn’t climb over it.

Pamela: . . . you know, but, that’s sort of, one of me memories of . . .

Margi: Yeah, and whereabouts do you live now?

Pamela: In Penketh, in Warrington.

Margi: Oh, that’s nice . . .

Pamela: Yeah.

Margi: . . . so, have you lived there for . . . since you were . . .

Pamela: Well, since, since we moved away from here in 69 . . .

Margi: Yeah?

Pamela: Yeah, we moved straight to Penketh, still, still live in the same house there now.

Margi: Would you bring your family members back to Edge Hill now, to come and have a look?

Pamela: Yeah, I mean, I don’t have any children or that myself, but today I’ve brought me mum back, who of course, you know, she, again, she only lived here for about three, three years, when, when she was, you know, newly married and, and had me, and, but, you know, other family members, sort of, like, probably wouldn’t remember the area, they were babies, my brother and sister were, were younger than me, so they wouldn’t really remember here . . .

Margi: They wouldn’t remember, yeah . . . ?

Pamela: . . . not like I do, anyway.

Margi: And what does your, kind of stories do you mum tell about . . . ?

Pamela: Well, yeah, incidents with the neighbours, sort of, eye-opening experiences with them, really.

Margi: A bit like the old Coronation Street used to be! (laughs)

Pamela: Very much, very much in the Elsie Tanner and Ena Sharples mode, yeah.

Margi: Yeah, I imagine that must have been, listening to those stories must have been, you know, exciting, it brings a warmth, kind of . . .

Pamela: Yeah, yeah, I mean, there were a few characters that particularly stood out if you’d like me to tell you . . .

Margi: Yes, please, please.

Pamela: . . .  a story about them.

Margi: Please.

Pamela: I’ll only use first names, because . . .

Margi: OK.

Pamela: . . . you know . . . cos of the nature of the story, but there was, there was a a neighbour who lived down our street called Katie, she was a mature woman, large build, red hair in a beehive, and she was a prostitute, she had grown-up children, and a younger daughter too. She used to sit on the doorstep, advertising her wares and . . .

Margie: Oh my word!

Tagged under: edge hill station, tunnel road, edge hill area, earle road, prostitute, boynton street

Categorised under: Change & Communities

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