Gustavus Dakin Parker correspondence
Resource Type: Image | Posted on 14th December 2011 by Jenny Porter
Gustavus Dakin Parker was Station Master at Edge Hill during the late 1800s. Here are a series of correspondences sent regarding his railway penson we presume following his death. The letters read as below:
Letter from T J & Smith Solicitors
January 10th 1899
Dear Sir,
We had to write to Euston for the information of the amount of the superannuation fund & the secretary replies that the balance due will be £262.00d. Before putting the papers into the court we should be glad to see you. Can you call tomorrow? Choose your own time to send us a postcard tonight and then the writer(?) will be ready for you.
Yours Truly, T J Smith & Son
Letter of reply
London and North Western Railway
Chief Accountants Office
Euston Station London N.W
January 21st 1899
Dear Sir,
Superannuation fund
I am in receipt of your letter of 19th (indecipherable) and have today requested and returned to J W Shaw the letters of administration sent to me by him – a cheque for the amount due on behalf of your deceased father will be forwarded you through J W Shaw at the end of next week.
Yours truly,
Categorised under: The Station & Railway Pioneers