Graham Trust explains the uses of early locomotives

Resource Type: Audio | Posted on 5th August 2011 by Liam Physick

Graham Trust explains how, at the time that the Liverpool and Manchester Railway was first conceived, locomotives were used only to transport minerals in mines and quarries: it was unheard of for them to travel long distances between cities, as Sanders, James and Moss envisaged

Interviewee: Graham Trust

Interviewee Gender: Male

Date of Interview: 16th November 2010

Interview Transcript

Jenny: It must have took quite a bit of vision, really, because the, even though the steam engines that Stephenson was developing, that distance must have been quite ambitious, I can imagine. Do you agree?

Graham: It was because locomotive engines had only ever been in use in, in mines, quarries, for transporting minerals over very short stretches of, of track, they weren’t, at that time they weren’t inter-city, they weren’t pulling inter-city coaches, you know, so it was a very ambitious project.

Tagged under: steam locomotives, george stephenson, fixed engines

Categorised under: The Station & Railway Pioneers

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