Fred Foley talks about the dogs home in Wavertree

Resource Type: Audio | Posted on 25th July 2012 by Jenny Porter

Fred Foley remembers the local area, in particualr going to Wavertree Park and hearing the dogs barking at the dog’s home.

Interviewee: Fred Foley

Interviewee Gender: Male

Interview Transcript

Fred: It brought some memories back! and I’ve got three sons and we were looking in the Echo and I qu’…I said Edge Hill Memories (indecipherable) I took Shaun down this is er about eighteen months ago and he said ..’Aw its derelict Wavertree Road, isn’t it, look at the way its gone…’

Jenny: Lots have things have changed..

Fred: I know I know’s changed and its progress (indecipherable) …It gets derelict then it gets re-built but you know when we lived down there on Chatham Street, we could (indecipherable) you know Durning Road and Wavertree Road and carrying on up to Wavertree Park, we used to go in Wavertree Park, the dogs home was there…

Jenny: Oh really..

Fred: Littlewoods is there isn’t it? And there was dogs there.  You could hear all the dogs barking.

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