Alan Hay recalls the railway cottages on Spekeland Road

Resource Type: Audio | Posted on 19th January 2011 by Jenny Porter

Alan Hay remembers the railway cottages on Spekeland Rd for the original railway workers.

Interviewee: Alan Hay

Interviewee Age: 67

Interviewee Gender: Male

Interviewee Address:

Edge Hill

Date of Interview: 15th August 2009

Tagged under: railway cottages, spekeland road, changing communities

Categorised under: Change & Communities

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By terence hughes on 28th February 2017

Hi Alan.  My father passed away last year and I got my grandfathers Royal Naval documents as I was the only son to of served in the Navy.  My Grandfather lived at 13 Railway cottages Spekeland road.  He was born 15th Jan 1908 and as far as I can make out still lived there til he joined up in July 1926..  His name was Samuel Henshaw…

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